Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Extending the Reach

A few weeks ago Emily and I were able to attend a one day seminar in Atlanta, hosted by the Microsoft Dynamics GP team. The purpose of the seminar was to inform GP partners of the initiatives Microsoft will be taking over the next year to promote GP, and one of the key drivers they focused on was the idea that ERP must "extend the reach".

In the Microsoft context, the idea of "extending the reach" means utilizing ERP software, in this case Dynamics GP, in conjunction with other applications such as Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server, to push information out through an organization to those who need it. The fact is many companies don't utilize the software they've purchased - licenses go unused, modules lay dormant, and ROI is never achieved. Microsoft hopes that by promoting an "extended reach" that companies can engage all of its most valuable assets, i.e. employees, to better serve the company.

Here at Jackson Thornton Technologies, we also want to extend our reach, and we're hoping that by using social networking tools like this blog and our twitter account, that we can provide you with information that is helpful and useful to your business.

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